Why Do Clouds Turn Black Before Rain?


Yellow clouds are a sign of fire. Why do clouds turn black before rain? 

Why Do Clouds Turn Black Before Rain?

A cloud is a visible suspended form of water droplets, frozen water droplets or other particles in the Earth's atmosphere. Often you must have seen that before the rains, black clouds disappear and the weather becomes pleasant. Let's see how this happens.

What are clouds?

When the sun's rays fall on the water from the oceans and other sources on the earth, the water takes the form of vapor and these vapors are pushed by the wind into the earth's atmosphere, due to the lack of temperature in the atmosphere, the water becomes denser. Increases. And the vapor (gas) turns into ice cubes or water droplets. The accumulated form of these drops or ice pieces is what we call clouds and these clouds then lead to rain. Rainfall is measured using a scale (rain gauge).

Rain is the lifeblood of agriculture and plants. An average raindrop is one or two millimeters in diameter. Monsoon is the name of a large rain and weather system. Clouds consist of very small water droplets and after these droplets are stored at a certain height in the atmosphere, they take the form of clouds.


Why Do Clouds Turn Black Before Rain?

The atmosphere is a collection of many gases and when the sunlight enters our atmosphere, it starts scattering in different directions due to these gases and this process is called Rayleigh and due to this process the color of the sky is changed. Blue appears because the cloud is colorless, so the sunlight is scattered by the clouds, which makes them appear white, and these white clouds appear pink, orange, and sometimes red at sunrise and sunset. This is due to the change in the way the sunlight falls on them and because clouds have no color of their own and when the sunlight reflects off of them, it gives them a different color. When the temperature of clouds falls below the freezing point, the tiny water droplets in them turn into ice.


Why Do Clouds Turn Black Before Rain?

And when the sunlight passes through them, the clouds turn a strange green color and these clouds mean that there is going to be heavy rain and there is a severe storm in the clouds. When clouds become more yellow, it means that there is a lot of smoke in the air and there is a fire nearby. When it is about to rain, the clouds become darker because the water vapor condenses. collect in the droplets and leave large spaces between the water droplets which reflect less light and this is why the rain cloud looks black or gray and this gray cloud often carries the message of rain. With which the withered faces open up and the crops start waving.

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