What is in the mysterious pyramids of Mexico?

What is in the mysterious pyramids of Mexico? Here the dead are buried or gold, the mysterious pyramids of Mexico, in which no one knows the hidden secrets

What is in the mysterious pyramids of Mexico?


From a distance, these pyramids made of gray volcanic stone and the walls around them look like a charm of nature. Located in the Canada de la Virgin Valley, 30 miles from the city of San Miguel de Allende, these rocky formations are a mountain range in this arid region. have been mixed in such a way that they seem to be a natural part of it.


The local people were aware of the presence of these ruins outside their city for a long time. Some spread rumors that the dead are buried here, some talked about gold. The grave robbers even tried to blow them up with explosives, but there is no evidence that they found anything. Local archaeologist Albert Coffey started taking tourists here in 2011. He explains that it is the 'House of 13 Heavens' which was built by the residents in 540 AD. Pointing to the tallest pyramid, he said, 'This stone was quarried nearby.' The pyramid had a square base and steps leading up to a platform at a height of 15 meters.


According to him, two small pyramids, one called the 'House of Wind' and the other the 'House of the Longest Night', were also built from the same stones. However, even after two decades, this mystery remains unsolved. Who made them? "It's still a mysterious place that continues to amaze us," says Coffey. We keep getting new information. So far, it has been established that this pyramid called the House of 13 Heavens was a temple that was dedicated to an important function in ancient times - telling time.

Keeping track of time and weather centuries ago is not an easy task. was Back then, there were no clocks or calendars, so people would guess by looking at the sky. Archaeologist Rosana Queiroz is the director of the Museum of Pre-Hispanic Astronomy in San Miguel de Allende. He worked with the Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and historian Gabriela Zapida during the excavation of these pyramids.She says that today we see the time with the help of watches and iPhones, but at that time people had to rely on the sun and the moon. He says that 'they must have taken a lot of work to build'.

It should be noted that these pyramids have been here for 1500 years. But their own story has now been lost to time as they left behind no writings to identify who built these mysterious pyramids. Partly because the 16th There is also the destruction during the Spanish occupation of Mexico in the century. However, it is very important for the local culture to preserve the knowledge and traditions of their ancestors. Especially since their history has either been forgotten or misunderstood.

What is in the mysterious pyramids of Mexico?


That's why Rosana Queiroz and Gabriela Zapida have been trying to collect as many facts as possible about this ancient civilization for two decades. Despite the numerous artefacts discovered from this place, so far they have not been able to fully solve the puzzle of its history. Each answer raises new questions. They know that these ancient accountants belonged to a civilization that mastered astronomy and architecture. "Many ancient civilizations worshiped specific gods, but these people worshiped the creation of time and space," Queiroz says.

These people used standard techniques and materials while building these pyramids. They took volcanic ash stones from a nearby quarry and arranged them in such a way that each stone supported the other. This method is called 'Hiso'. These pyramids may not look good in today's world, but Kofi says that their builders spared no effort to ensure their beauty.

 The steps were decorated with limestone brought from miles away. "It would have taken two to three days to bring these stones. A natural glue made from the leaves of a local cactus tree was used to join these decorative limestone stones," Queiroz says. If you put them in water, they become sticky after a day, and if you mix them with spices, they form a strong paste. This centuries-old method is still used by some local people. "We are discovering the knowledge of ancient people," Queiroz says.


What is in the mysterious pyramids of Mexico?


On further investigation of these pyramids, experts came to know that valuable items were present here. But it wasn't gold. They found 19 structures buried here, including men and women, as well as a child and a dog, which are being examined. Experts previously thought that the builders of these pyramids were the Otomi people, whose descendants live today. settled here, but so far they have not been able to do DNA analysis to confirm this hypothesis. 'We don't have modern-day Otomi DNA in the DNA bank so far and getting it,' says Queiroz. Not easy. You have to get permission from the local population. Then there are the various Otomi people. Therefore, it is not so simple. However, the structure found at the highest point of the house of 13 heavens must give some clues to the experts. The bones of this structure bore markings that at first glance resembled a human, hunter or warrior.




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