In this article,i will Learn about Health Benefits Of Black Seed Oil

Kalonji, also known as Nigella sativa or black seed, is a flowering plant found in southern Europe, northern Africa, and southwest Asia. Besides adding flavor and aroma to our food, these seeds have long been used in herbal medicine to treat various ailments ranging from diabetes to arthritis. Even our Holy Prophet (PBUH) described it as a cure for all diseases except death. This is also the Sunnah of the Prophet. According to the National Institutes of Health database, recent research has also shown it to be effective for weight loss.


Health Benefits Of Black Seed Oil

Let's know what is Kalonji? What are its benefits and does it also help in weight loss?

What are the useful ingredients of Kalonji?

Kalonji is an annual flowering plant. Its fruits contain many black seeds and its many medical benefits are due to the presence of vitamins, amino acids, proteins, fatty acids, iron, potassium, calcium and many other components that are effective in treating diseases. There are. Kalonji oil is much better than other oils as it contains essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. It contains about 17% protein, 26% carbohydrates, and 57% vegetable fats and oils. Thymoquinone, a component of Clonji, has been researched by scientists for decades and is believed to have powerful antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

Effective in diabetes:

Add half a teaspoon of kalonji oil to black tea for diabetes and drink it, you will feel the difference within a week. Because it is added to the blood and controls the blood sugar. Clonji regulates blood sugar by increasing the action of insulin and delaying the absorption of sugar into the blood.

Health Benefits Of Black Seed Oil


Removes baldness, prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth:

Kalonji oil has always been included in the hair tips of our elders. With coconut oil or with mustard oil as it provides the hair with the moisture it needs. Prevents baldness. Warm the kalonji oil and massage it into the roots of the hair, one, it will give you extreme relaxation, and the other, it will make the hair shiny and thick, and increase its growth.

Control blood pressure:

If you are worried about high blood pressure, mix half a teaspoon of kalonji powder in lukewarm water and drink it. This will reduce the thickness of your blood. will normalize it. Use it as a remedy.

Treatment of gum disease:

Massage a little clove oil on the gums at night before going to bed. Even if it goes into the throat, it will not be harmful but it will prove to be beneficial in one way or another. But in case of a complicated disease consultation with a dentist is necessary.

Can it help you lose weight?

Klonji boosts your metabolism by improving your digestive system which makes you feel fuller. According to studies, when you eat kalonji seeds with hot water, they help you lose weight. A mixture of hot water, honey, and lemon is often used by people for weight loss. Add a pinch of kalonji powder to this mixture and see how it works. In a few days it will miraculously not only reduce weight but also brighten your face as the vitamins and minerals in it help in healthy blood formation.

Health Benefits Of Black Seed Oil

A study conducted in which overweight people started taking Klonji, observed that over 6-12 weeks, Klonji powder and oil reduced their weight by an average of 4.6 pounds 2.1 kg and reduced their waist by 3.5 cm.

Although clonji by itself is ineffective for weight loss, it can help with weight loss when combined with a low-calorie diet. For example, if clonji oil is added to food, it will surely help in weight loss.


An effective dosage of Clonji is 1–3 grams per day in powdered form. It can be consumed in the form of powder, seeds and its oil, all of which are equally effective.

The last thing is:

Kalonji is a plant whose seeds have traditionally been used to treat pain, digestive problems and other ailments, along with being useful for hair and teeth. Combined with a low-calorie diet, it can be effective for weight loss. It keeps the heart healthy, and can control blood sugar in people with diabetes. Although more research is needed to confirm these promising health benefits, clonji appears to be safe along with its benefits. In all these diseases it is necessary to consult your doctor.