The young man then jumped into the narrator to commit suicide. Revelations of a diver on duty to stop people from committing suicide

Emotional Story of Official Diver in Pakistan

Every human being is associated with some profession, just as in this world it is necessary to have a laborer to build people's houses, a farmer is to be able to grow crops for people's food, similarly a professional diver There is also cannibalism which few people know about.Generally, people take up swimming and diving for fun, but today we will tell you about an old man on the banks of the Ravi River, who is diving not for fun, but for life. is committed to save. 


They say that so far they have pulled out around 2000 dead bodies and around 850 people alive from Ravi River. He, who is regularly employed as a diver by the Punjab government, also says that he is on daily duty on the banks of the Ravi River - in which he is also responsible for keeping an eye on what No one jumps into the Ravi with suicidal intent and if someone does, they immediately dive in and try to save his life. 

How did the work begin?

He said that his father operated a boat on the Ravi River and it was he who trained him to dive as a child - after his father's death, he took over his mace and made it his profession. Adopted - He said that he is now 63 years old and has been training for this job for thirteen and fourteen years, since then he has been doing this job for forty years.

How are they reported?

He says that if a loved one drowns in the water, people approach him for diving, and he helps such people with the permission of his DCO of Social Services.

They claim that till date they have never failed and whoever they have tried to find, they have definitely brought them out alive or dead from the water. However, they do not receive any compensation from any person for this work, rather the salary they receive from their office is sufficient for them.

 Assistance to flood victims

He also said that he saved the lives of many people who were swept away as a result of the flood. - They do all this work for the sake of Allah because they believe that money is a temporary thing, while the prayers received in return can make both their life and religion successful.

Memorable events of your life

Narrating the memorable events of his forty-year-old life, he said that one day he saw a young man committing suicide by jumping into the water. As soon as they saw him, they ran to save him and tried hard to save him by diving.But the young man did not come up even once after jumping. They tried hard to find him under the water, but after several hours of effort, they came out in despair. Found from location.

Emotional Story of Official Diver in Pakistan

He said that when he took out the dead body of this young man, tears were flowing from his eyes. He was very sad that he could not save this young man.Similarly, while narrating another incident, he said that he was informed that a man had thrown his wife's body into pieces in the canal of Bakr Mandi.

Searching for her body is also a memorable event in his life. He said that glass was spread everywhere inside the drain and its soil was swampy, but despite this, after much effort, they only took out the head of this woman and the rest of the body. They couldn't find it but they couldn't forget the incident- 

Appeal to Govt

On this occasion, he also said that today's young generation is not interested in adopting this profession. For this reason, his government has requested since time that due to his services, his children should be given employment in a government department as they are about to retire and need help to pull the vehicle of life. Is- 

It is hoped that the government will reward them for their services due to which they put their lives at risk to save others.